Wednesday, July 8, 2009

golf sucks

Linnea is down for her 4th nap of the day (8a, 11a, 1:30p, 4p). I am finding she needs a nap every 2-3 hours when I stay home. When we are out and about she is too distracted and tends to go longer between naps.
Not sure which I prefer.
It's nice to stay home but it gets BORING!
Linnea is happy most of the time and will sit and watch me clean or work on something.
She loves her jungle gym a lot and her swing now too.
We read books, dance to music, practice sitting and tummy time, standing and walking (i am doing most of the work).
She loves looking at herself in the mirror.
Every time I smile at her, she returns the smile and also will giggle at times.
Her smiles and giggles always brighten my day.
Today I scrubbed the back deck which has several layers of mildew and dirt. I felt like a shipmate scrubbing the deck getting all dirty with a bucket and scrub brush.
We are going to be fixing old boards and staining the deck as soon as it's all clean. It already looks amazing clean.

A couple weekends ago, Imants, Linnea and I went to Vancouver for Greg Pendleton's wedding. It was Linnea's 2nd road trip and she did amazingly well all weekend long.
We even got to see Grandpa Eric & Terri on the way home and checked out his new boat.

This weekend, my mom and I are heading up to Vancouver again to do some sightseeing and get out of Seattle while Imants has his 3 day golf tournament. That guy is so OCD about Golf. Pretty ridiculous I think. Golf is soooo boring and tiring. Not sure what he sees in it. It makes him happy- thats for sure.... so thats good.
Not sure how happy I feel about it now that Linnea is here. Not such a family-oriented sport. It takes too bloody long to play the friggin game. I suggested he take up beach volleyball- a shorter game where he can get nice and tanned and super ripped like those pros. They all have great bodies - dont' you think?
All in all, golf sucks.
There are soooo many other great things to do... that cost a lot less.
Hiking, biking, surfing, beach volleyball, tennis, swimming....
Luckily the golf club has a pool and we can hang out there all summer. The only good thing about Imants' golf membership.
I was hoping I would feel better after writing about how much I hate golf and how much Imants' plays it... but I dont. Maybe it's the fact that he won't be home till 9 pm tonight because he is practicing for his tournament. I'll have been with Linnea for over 12 hours straight -all alone.


  1. I have half days on Fridays now. Let's do lunch or something and skype Carmen! Maybe it will take your mind off of how much gold sucks! I'd hate it too...

  2. hahahahhhahaha! Has Imants seen this? Jamie is golfing now with Jon, they are both going on 3 hours of sleep and i'm sure they have massive headaches, dum dum's! Kisses to my beautiful niece!

  3. I agree Golf sucks, but you know it does not seem to end with Men.. I think they forget that they are Father's sometimes and that Mommy needs a break too. (this break should not involve cleaning like mine usually do!). All in all, I think Men are a bit selfish....sorry Imants and Giulio!

    I wonder what they would do if we left them alone with their child for 12 hours straight......

    Love Andrea
